Neuro Blooms
Leslie Holt and I are colleagues. She no longer lives in St. Louis, but I was aware of her Neuro Blooms [NB] project. In 2021, NB was featured in a gallery show and public art installation in Amsterdam [see first three photos] where I was also traveling to work on my own projects. We met, and when I saw the show, I recognized that we have a similar aesthetic. I proposed that we design an experiential series of events in St. Louis, based at Red Chair Studios. A NB exhibit could build nicely on the exhibit series at Red Chair.
In 2022, she came prepared with Neuro Bloom decals and swag, workshop supplies, and a plan to engage on many levels, broad and deep. Her time with us coincided with World Mental Health Month. We worked with a group of transitional housing clients, several artists, and the neighborhood. The ripples of influence were surprising but manageable. The results are below. We are still processing data and next steps. Thank you for your patience with pictures and stories. Please contact me if you have more questions!

The plans involved the blank ‘note card’ canvases you see. They were used in three different workshop sessions, and participants embroidered a piece of their choosing with text/image/pattern in response to the PET scan images. On the day of the monthly Cherokee Art Walk, we installed the sewn pieces in the windows at Red Chair. Before and after this event, Neuro Bloom decals were installed on shop windows up and down the street. Our installers were clients and students and artists. Several shop owners posed with their chosen image. The participation and enthusiasm was surprising and connecting! We all have experience with mental health issues, and many of us are in need of information about treatment and care resources.

There was a second Cherokee St. event that coincided with Leslie’s visit…Cherokee Print Bazaar….an annual show and sale for local print artists that happens in participating businesses. In addition to hosting three artists, we saw and opportunity to engage the shoppers that day by designing a ‘Bingo Blooms’ card. Participants could explore the decals on the street and win pins, stickers, or patches of the different PET scan patterns. The students managed this part of the project, distributing cards and prizes. They also asked players to comment on why they played and what they learned. Will update here soon about a planned thank you/ listening tour in January 2023 to get feedback from neighbors and business owners about their experiences with the project and the decals in their windows.